The Life-Saving Services Offered By An Emergency Vet


A significant hurdle for pet owners can arise when they find themselves in need of emergency veterinary services. This predicament, while unsettling, highlights the importance of swiftly accessing the necessary care for your beloved companion. That's why it's essential to know about emergency veterinarians and the life-saving services they offer. Emergency vet clinics not only give you peace of mind but also provide critical medical care around the clock.  1. Immediate Medical Attention

9 October 2023

How To Know When It's Time To Say Goodbye To Your Dog?


Saying goodbye to a beloved pet can be one of the hardest things to have to endure. Your pet is your faithful companion and a part of your family. They become your workout partner, your daily confidant, and a part of your routine, not to mention the love you feel for your pet and the love they feel for you as well — all of these things make it so much harder to say goodbye.

14 April 2023

How And Why To Use Ampicillin Trihydrate For Your Pets


Ampicillin Trihydrate is a type of antibiotic that is commonly used to treat a variety of bacterial infections in pets. This medication is typically administered via injection It is a semisynthetic penicillin, which means it is derived from a natural source (penicillin) but has been modified chemically. This modification allows for a wider range of bacteria to be susceptible to the drug. If your veterinarian prescribes this medication for your pet, there are a few things you need to understand before administering it.

13 January 2023

Piggyback Pests: The Two Unwanted Invaders Fleas Can Bring With Them


Biting fleas that leave pets with itchy, miserable welts are enough of a problem as it is, but sometimes they don't come alone. Fleas can potentially bring two different kinds of life forms with them and can make your pet tremendously ill, especially if they contract both illnesses at the same time. This guide will explain what these two pests are, what they do, and how you can protect your pet against these illnesses.

28 February 2017

Four Common Care Mistakes That May Sabotage Your Hamster's Health


They're tiny, furry, and incredibly cute. But even though they live in cages, hamsters are harder to care for than you might imagine. Certain care mistakes often land hamsters in the vet's office -- or even worse -- in the grave. To ensure your furry companion lives as long and healthy a life as possible, avoid these common care mistakes. Using cedar shavings. Some owners prefer them because their fresh scent covers up urine odors.

28 February 2017

Caring For Your Canine Friend After Surgery? 4 Steps To Take When Caring For Sutures


If your dog has had abdominal surgery, it's important that you care for the sutures while the wound is healing. You may find this difficult since your dog will want to investigate the foreign objects in its skin. It may even try to bite and scratch at them. Unfortunately, that can lead to serious complications including infections and torn stitches. Here are four steps you should take to care for your dog's sutures, and prevent complications.

24 February 2017

Bring Home The Right Puppy


When you go to choose your puppy you want to look for much more than simply one that you feel is cute and fun. You also want to be sure you bring home a puppy that's healthy and that will blend in well with your family and the rest of your pets. For this reason you want to look for the following in a puppy you are thinking about getting:

24 February 2017